Monday, July 28, 2008

Tenure Corrupts 2

Part 2 of my interview with Nelson Lee Walker from

Direct download

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


When in the course of a Nation’s Life, it becomes necessary for the Rights of the Governed to be reestablished because of Long Abuses and Usurpations of the Limited Powers, granted by the Consent of the Governed, to it’s Institutions. It is the Inalienable Right of the Governed, to limit the powers of these institutions, to provide redress of these grievances and New Guards for the Future Security of the Nation.

• 1: You, as a United States Citizen, have the right and responsibility to Vote in all elections. Never sit out any election.

• 2: You, as a United States Citizen, have the INALIENABLE RIGHT to limit the term in office of your elected representatives.

• 3: You, as a United States Citizen, have the right to participate in the shaping of your future and the future of the United Sates with your vote.

• 4: You, as a United States Citizen, will never allow a PROFESSIONAL POLITICIAN to serve in the United States Congress. “NEVER send anyone to CONGRESS for MORE then 6 YEARS”

• 5: You, as a United States Citizen, must know who you are voting for on all National and International issues. Your representative votes on Local issues affecting your community, National issues affecting the future of the United States and International issues affecting the plant we live on.

• 6: You, as a United States Citizen, should never vote for any one who cannot clearly define, in detail and in writing, the problems he or she will address and work on while in office.

• 7: You, as a United States Citizen, must hold the political parties accountable for poor, unqualified or any candidate that has MORPH into A PROFESSIONAL POLITICIAN. “NEVER send anyone to CONGRESS for More then 6 YEARS.” Let then know, if they insist on nominating poor, unqualified or any candidate that has MORPH into a PROFESSIONAL POLITICIAN, you will vote for the other party or use the write-in provisions in your state. You will not sit out an election.

• 8: You, as a United States Citizen, should demand that all representatives return to the state that elected then, to live under the laws, that they voted on.

• 9: You, as a United States Citizen, have the right and responsibility to see that your representatives bring up, in completed bill form, the topics and subjects he or she promised. You have the right to recall your representative.

• 10: You, as a United State Citizen, have the right to demand that your representatives read the final form of any piece of legislation and sign that they understand all the provisions of a bill and that they are responsible for all Unintended Consequences and that your representatives will rectify all Unintended Consequences of the Bill immediately.

Thank You.
Don Ruane, Director.
Voter Imposed Term Limits, Inc.